Email and Password Security

With the vast amount of passwords we have to remember, there are a couple of tips to protect against hackers.

  1. For financial websites  like Paypal and banking, use long and unique passwords with symbols (if allowed), uppercase letters, numbers and non-dictionary words.
  2. Your email password needs to be very secure.  If hacked, the attacker could send spam or scam emails requesting money to your contact list or reset passwords on other websites including your bank.
  3. If using gmail, enable 2-factor authentication.  This will send a digital code via text to your mobile phone to enable login.  If travelling, you can pre-print a set of codes.  Twitter also supports 2-factor authentication.
  4. Do not reuse passwords for sensitive websites.  If it becomes compromised, hackers may try to use your password on other sites.

With leaks of many password databases including Ashley Madison, LinkedIn and Rockyou, hackers have access to the most common passwords which include ‘123456’, ‘12345’, ‘123456789’, and ‘password’.  There is no guarantee your password is stored safely nor will it be hacked or compromised.

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